How to change your money mindset

It won’t make you rich overnight. But it will make life easier

Sheryl Garratt
6 min readJul 11, 2024
Photo by Designer 491 on Getty Images

Money. How does it make you feel?

Stressed, anxious? Angry, exhausted? Guilty about your privilege? Or ashamed about your income, your spending, how you handle your finances?

If it’s something you avoid thinking about as much as possible, you’re not alone. We all load money with all kinds of fears, beliefs, stories, emotions. Which is what makes it so fraught, for many of us.

But on its own, money doesn’t mean anything.

It’s just another form of energy, bits of paper and metal — or increasingly, just bits of data on a computer — that we exchange for goods, or for people’s time and skill.

Obviously, life is easier when we have enough to be comfortable and feel secure. And times are tough at the moment, so I do want to stress that if you’re struggling, it’s not your fault.

But it can help to work on your money mindset.

We all have hidden beliefs about money.

These are often stories we tell ourselves, not objective truth. We might not express them out loud. We might not even know we have them: some of them…



Sheryl Garratt

Writer; editor; coach, supporting creatives to step up and do their best work — and get paid for it! Find me at